Machine Learning For Oil and Gas Using Python The Ultimate Data Driven Adventure
Are you ready to transform the Oil and Gas industry through the power of Machine Learning and Python? The "Machine Learning for Oil and Gas Using Python" course is meticulously designed to equip you with the skills and expertise to harness the potential of data and implement data-driven solutions in the Oil and Gas sector.
Python Module
This module will cover all python basics to
get started and feel confident in writing code and maintain future code bases.
Part 1:
Introduction to python for oil
and gas Industry
Python tools and package
Data types and basic python
Introduction to data casting
5. Introduction to string and string manipulation
Part 2:
Data container (Lists and Dictionaries)
Operation on containers.
Introduction to loops
Introduction to Branching (IF
Mixing Lops and Branching
Introduction to User Functions
Part 3:
Working with Arrays and
Applying mathematics to them
Working with tabulated data
Basic Pandas functions for data
Introduction to visualization.
EDA – Exploratory Data Analysis
Machine Learning Module:
This module will introduce the trainee to machine learning concept and various uses and implementations, in this module user will learn how to utilize python as a tool for various ML related projects
Part 4:
• Processing Tabulated Data.
• Data Filter, cleansing and Outlier handing
• Imputations and it’s methodologies.
• Feature Engineering
• Plotting for ML (Distribution, Pair plots, box, LMPlots, Heat)
• Machine Learning Workflows (Putting Everything in place)
Part 5 :
• Introduction to machine learning Types
• Introduction to Unsupervised Learning
• K-Mean Clustering using Sklearn
• Clustering Oil wells based on petrophysical properties
• Clustering Gas Wells Based on Liquid Loading Index
• Hierarchal clustering and Dendrogram.
• Hierarchal Cluster Based Water Cut in Oil Wells
Part 6:
• Introduction to Regression
• Basics of Regressions using NumPy Poly1d.
• Introduction to Linear Regression in SKlearn
• Multivariate Regression in ML
• Regression Applied to Oil and Gas Production Prediction
• Evaluation of Regression Models
• Regression Sensitivity Analysis using OVAT
• Predicting Drilling Performance Using Multilinear Regression
Part 7:
• Introduction to classification problems
• Classifications as applied to Oil and Gas Industry Problems.
• Introduction to Logistic Regression.
• Introduction to KNN.
• Classifying Flow Stability in Oil Wells.
• Comparing Decline Curve Analysis to ML Regression
• Introduction to Support Vectors (SVM)
• Predicting Geomechanically Properties using SVM
• Shale Formation Simulation Classification
Part 8:
• Introduction to Neural Networks
• Introduction to deep learning
• Introduction to fuzzy logic
• Applications of NN in oil and gas industry
• Model Optimization
• Dashboarding and ML Implementation
• Notes on OOP approach and Production Grade Code.