Integrated Formation Evaluation
This course equips participants with the skills to combine geological, petrophysical, and engineering data for a comprehensive understanding of subsurface formations, enhancing reservoir evaluation and production planning.
Formation evaluation is a critical process in the oil and gas industry, determining the viability of reservoirs and supporting efficient resource development. This course focuses on integrating multiple data sources, including well logs, core analysis, and dynamic reservoir data, to achieve a holistic evaluation of subsurface formations. Through real-world examples and practical exercises, participants will refine their skills in data interpretation and collaborative decision-making.
Demo Class
Reservoir management is an on-going, dynamic process of collecting, analyzing, validating, and integrating reservoir description data and performance data into an optimal reservoir development and depletion plan. This training course provides the participants with an advanced understanding of the integrated formation evaluation techniques and well log analysis applications. The course will cover the physical principles of the logging tools and the full advanced interpretation workflow for reservoir characterization. The course progresses from the measurement fundamentals to the essential evaluation and assessment of the results and onto the practical applications in example studies and exercises.
More specifically, the participants will understand the properties of the rocks and the reservoir fluids; analyze and integrate the core analysis datasets; evaluate the NMR logs and run the full NMR interpretation workflow; run pressure plots and detect the free water level/oil water contact and run saturation height modeling. The course will cover the log interpretation workflow with the quantitative techniques for the quality control and quality assurance procedures for the raw datasets. Different real examples from different parts of the world will be used throughout the course to help the attendees understanding the reservoir characterization concept and the integrated analysis.
Training Methodology
Organisational Impact
Personal Impact
Who Should Attend?
Day 1
Oilfield lifetime & development
Integrated reservoir characterization workflow
Reservoir modeling overview
Role of reservoir rocks & fluids
Reservoir geology & geological structures
Depositional environments
Wellsite Geology & mud logging
MWD/LWD vs. wireline logging
Open hole vs. cased-hole logging
Log data acquisition, data processing, log runs, and log
Logs QC/QA, Depth matching, and log normalization
Log interpretation - correlate and depth match logs.
Day 2
Wireline logging operations
Open hole logging measurements
Integrated formation evaluation plan
Logging tools specification, depth of penetration and
vertical resolution
Lithology tools
Radioactivity and Gamma Ray (GR) logging tools
Shale volume calculation
Applications of Spectral GR
Spontaneous potential measurements and SP log interpretation
Calculation of formation water resistivity (Rw) using SP log
Applications of crossplots to detect lithology, porosity and
Discussions and class exercises
Day 3
Porosity logging tools
Density and neutron logging tools
Porosity logs (NPHI, RHOB, PEF, DT, etc.)
Density-Neutron Logs Applications
Sonic logs and sonic scanners
Porosity compatible scales
Porosity calculation from individual tools
Various corrections for porosity tools
Crossplots applications in formation evaluation
Crossplots for complex formations: neutron-density,
sonic-density, sonic-neutron, density-photoelectric, M-N crossplots
Porosity evaluation through the different porosity tools
Porosity evaluation in clean and shaly formations
Gas effect on density-neutron logs
Matrix correction for clastics and dolostone rocks
Day 4
Independent porosity tools/core measurements
Acoustics logging tools
Effect of different parameters: clays, secondary porosity,
and fractures.
Nuclear magnetic resonance tool - its principle of
Conventional core analysis
Core data statistics; detecting the reservoir heterogeneity
Rock Quality Index (RQI) and Flow Zone Indicator (FZI)
Reservoir electrofacies and permeability modeling
Examples and practical exercise using actual core data for
advanced reservoir evaluation
Core integration with wireline and LWD logs
Coring practices and reservoir rock properties
Hydraulic flow units & rock typing
Integration of core and logging porosity data
Discussions and class exercises
Day 5
Resistivity logging tools
Dual Laterolog and Array Induction Logs
Borehole environment and invasion profiles.
Resistivity Logs (MSFL, MCFL, LLS, LLD, RLA3, RLA5, AIL,
Water resistivity calculation methods
Hingle and Pickett plots
True resistivity determination
Clean reservoir vs. shaly reservoirs
Day 6
Archie equation and parameters
Electrical measurements on core samples
Saturation calculation in clean and shaly reservoirs
Saturation determination: resistivity vs porosity crossplot,
microresistivity vs porosity crossplots, resistivity ratio methods, shaly
Effect of cementation factor and saturation exponent
Shale sand models: dual-water, Waxman-Smits, and
Thomas-Steiber models.
Low resistivity – low contrast pay
Independent saturation tools/core measurements
Cementation factor and saturation exponent from the core
Saturation-height modeling
Quick look log analysis for real-time decisions
Discussions and class exercises
Day 7
Development of clastics and carbonate reservoirs
Rock mechanical properties
Image logs (FMI, XRMI, etc.)
Applications of image logs
Wireline formation testers (MDT, XPT, and RDT)
MDT/RFT principles and operations
Pressure measurement quality control
Reservoir drive and fluid properties
Applications of pressure data for integrated evaluation
Determination of the fluid contacts
Fluid sampling techniques
Cutoff concepts
Day 8
Advanced nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logs
Applications of NMR logs for porosity and permeability
Overview of cased hole logs
Cement evaluation logs
Saturation monitoring logs (RST and pulsar)
Permeability prediction models
Petrophysical inputs for static and dynamic modeling
Advanced logging tools
Physics of NMR tools
NMR measurements on core samples
NMR interpretation integration with conventional logs
Day 9
Capillary pressure data
Facies variations from the capillary pressure curves
Reservoir pressure analysis
Understanding the concept of the oil water contact and FWL
Upscaling of well logs
Day 10
Overview of 3D property modeling
Clay versus Shale – difference between the two workflows
Mineralogical interpretation
Calibration of the shale volume, porosity and water
Practical examples/exercises using different well log data
in clastic and carbonate reservoirs
Analysis using Petrophysics Software Packages
Integrated log interpretation
Discussions and class exercises