1 Day Short Course On Fundamentals and Simulation of Carbon Storage in Depleted Oil and Gas Wells
This intensive 1-day course provides a comprehensive overview of carbon capture and storage (CCS) with a focus on utilizing depleted oil and gas reservoirs. Participants will gain a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts and practical techniques involved in CCS, including geological considerations, capacity estimation, CO2 behavior, and risk assessment. The course also features hands-on training with industry-standard reservoir simulation software (Eclipse), enabling participants to model and analyze CO2 injection and storage scenarios.
Opening Remarks
Introduction to Carbon Storage
Phase Behavior of CO2
Coffee Break
Geological Considerations
Capacity Estimation
Mechanisms of CO2 Storage in Depleted Wells
Monitoring and Risk Assessment
Introduction to Eclipse Reservoir Simulation
Hands-On Eclipse Simulation Training
Hands-On Eclipse Simulation Training (Continued)
Q&A and Discussion
Speaker: Muhammad Ali is a research scientist specializing in flow assurance at Benchmark Laboratory in Houston, Texas. He holds a Master's degree in Petroleum Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Petronas and is currently a PhD candidate at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Ali pioneered the Carbon Storage course and taught it to graduate students at Missouri University. His current research interests include flow assurance, carbon capture, and storage.
Ideal for:
Petroleum engineers and geoscientists
Reservoir engineers and modelers
Environmental professionals interested in CCS
Researchers and students in related fields