Course Schedule


This course delivers a full circle, 360° learaning experience for Directional Well Planning expertise. It consolidates all pertinent concepts and teaches how to deliver professional well planning solutions, using popular software tools, which are also taught as a part of this fantastic course. 

Through our real-life examples, all candidates will have an opportunity to be in the driving seat of action. They will learn to tackle a variety of directional well-planning challenges and specific constraints. 

Through extensive use of software tools, candidates will learn how to build trajectories from scratch and see key well planning concepts & work flows in action.

Why Should You Attend?

Upskill yourself with a highly marketable Directional Well Planning skill for O&G and Geothermal industries. It could be a solid differentiator for an aspiring energy professional.

Access to Innova’s™ modern Directional Well Planning Software & Drilling Design packages during the course plus 3 more weeks. Learn & practice at your own pace, learn deeply through our progressive exercises.

Learn to build fit-for-purpose & optimized well trajectories from scratch. Learn to make wells shorter, cheaper and easier to drill through well engineering analysis.

Learn to deliver superior Field Development Planning (FDP), by optimizing field level well planning, optimizing number of wells, surface locations and targets.

Learn from a True Subject Matter Expert (SME), who is equipped with decades of global well planning experience and has a passion for delivering success in learning.

Class size is limited to 12, thus ensuring that every participant gets a chance to learn extensively through interactions and discussions.

Who Should Attend?

Drilling/Well Engineers/Well Planners

Geothermal Engineers & Project Managers

Earth Science Professionals: Geologists, Geophysicists & Geoscientists

MWD/LWD/RTOC Engineers

Course Content :

Directional Well Planning Basic Concepts

Directional Well Planning Workflow

Critical Positional Data Requirements

Directional Data QA/QC & Survey Corrections

Directional Well Profiles

Positional Uncertainty and Target Sizing

Survey Programming

Wellbore Stability (WBS) Considerations

ERD Well Directional Planning- Consideration

Trajectory Drillability (Ease of Drilling) Analysis

Selection of Directional Drilling Technology

Anti-Collision Concepts

Anti-collision best practices for multiwell pads

Anti-Collision Monitoring

Replan Wells While-Drilling

Multi-Well Pad Designs & Trajectory Optimisation

Relief Well Planning

Sidetrack Well Planning

Class Exercises: Various Well Trajectory Designs

About the trainer :

Naim Saddiq is a UK Chartered Engineer with an MSc in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Oklahoma (USA). He has over 20 years of diversified oil and gas drilling experience, working both offshore/onshore and also in-house various UK operators. In the past, Naim had been a directional well planner for various North Sea operators such as: BP, Maersk, Apache, EON & ADTI. He, currently runs his own London-based company called “Oxford Well Engineering” which reflects his areas of expertise. Naim has been active in finding innovative approaches and delivering cost-effective wells & drilling solutions. For over 3 years, Naim has been a visiting lecturer (MSc Drilling/Wells topics) at EU’s prestigious University of Leoben (Austria). Recently, Naim has delivered SPE professional lectures on modern wells topics and also delivered a guest lecture at The University of Houston (USA).

Demo Class

0 Chapter
Course Description



Training Methodology

Organisational Impact

Personal Impact

Who Should Attend?

Course Outline


About The Trainer