Course Schedule


This program is designed for those aspirants who wish to learn data analytics and simulation using excel in oil and gas industry. One of the most significant areas in reservoir and well testing topics were compiled through data analytics. This course will be helpful for fresh employees working with oil and gas industry from non-core background.

The rising demand for data science is proliferating through all industries. As a part of leading energy sector data analytics in oil and gas domain will significantly reduce lot of time to interpret certain uncertainties and gaps. At the end of the course aspirants will be able to understand the data recognition patterns, compilation, visualization and interpretation.


 Designed if you are?

·        Information technologists with (O & G) projects.

·        Data analysts

·        Petroleum Engineers

·        Reservoir Engineers

·        Geologists

·        Geophysicists

·        Chemical Engineers


Pre- requisites


·        Aspirant from IT or petroleum background.

·        Aspirant should be pursuing or completed the course in his academics.

·        Recently joined in oil and gas or IT industry with data processing.


 Benefits from attending the course?


·        Understanding the concepts easily with excel.

·        Earning confidence to explore into data analytics.

·        Analytical solutions for problems and case studies.


Day 1

Introduction to data analytics

Data visualization

Identifying the patterns

Fracture identification

Day 2

Data interpretation

Pressure build up

Reservoir parameter estimation.

Finite difference approximation


Day 3

Data mining

Cluster analysis

Inflow performance relation

Pressure square method

Back pressure test


Day 4


Pressure drawdown

Pressure derivative analysis

Production decline curves

Day 5

Monte Carlo simulation

Material balance equation

Normal distribution

Cumulative distribution


Demo Class

2 Chapter
Demo Class 1
Demo Class 1
Demo Class 2
Demo Class 2
Course Description



Training Methodology

Organisational Impact

Personal Impact

Who Should Attend?

Course Outline


About The Trainer